Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Saturday Night  by Archibald J. Motley Jr.
This is a painting of a typical club during the Harlem Renaissance. It portrays a woman in the midst of a dance performance, the other patrons in the club enjoying the show, smoking and drinking and generally just having a great time.
    The painting has a theme of Identification with race, and pride. Everyone painted looks like they are very proud to be there and very proud to be black, which is what the Harlem Renaissance was all about.
    I really like this painting. It just seems to scream out “jazz!” The colors, black and dark red are jazzy colors, as well as the curvy yet sharp lines. Looking at it, it is almost as if you can here the music that is playing and smell the cigarette smoke. It really sums up the era, in a typical Saturday Night.

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